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< prev - next > Disaster response mitigation and rebuilding Reconstruction pcr_tool_2_resources (Printable PDF)
3. Centro Regional de Información sobre
Desastres América Latina y el Caribe (CRID).
This is a very large information source on
disasters in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Most information is in Spanish, but it contains
documents in English that have wider
relevance. Users can search the database, but
some of the resources have also been collated
as thematic CDs, that can be ordered from the
resource centre. For further information see: or contact: contactenos@
4. Duryog Nivaran is a network of governmental
and non-governmental agencies in South Asia,
established in 1995, to share experience
that can help reduce the vulnerability of
communities to disasters and conflicts.
5. La Red, a network for social studies into
disaster prevention in Latin America, was
established in 1992 by a group of 16
disasters specialists representing the public
sector, NGOs and academia from a range
of Latin American countries. It has since
grown and produced a range of social and
policy studies. La Red also established the
DESINVENTAR disasters inventory (see under
A). For more information, go to: http://www.
C. Published Resources
1. Albu, Mike, Emergency Market Mapping and
Analysis Toolkit, Practical Action Publishing,
Rugby, 2010,
2. ALNAP, Participation by Crisis-Affected
Populations in Humanitarian Action:
A handbook for practitioners, Overseas
Development Institute, London, 2003.
3. Barenstein, Jennifer Duyne, Housing
Reconstruction in Post-Earthquake Gujarat,
A Comparative Analysis, Humanitarian Policy
Group, Overseas Development Institute,
Network Paper No. 54, March 2006, http://
4. Benson C and Twigg J, Tools for
Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction:
Guidance Notes for Development
Organisations. Provention Consortium
Secretariat, Geneva, January 2007. The
document contains guidance on issues
such as poverty reduction, environmental
assessment, vulnerability analysis, sustainable
livelihoods, social impact assessment,
construction design and standards, and
disaster risk reduction, with a comprehensive
Published information can be made accessible to local users
through project information centres such as this one in Kenya.
list of further reading resources. See:
5. Corsellis T and Vitale A, Transitional
Settlement: Displaced Populations. OXFAM,
Oxford, 2007. This book takes a holistic view
of shelter for displaced populations, extending
beyond refugee camps to consider support for
all of the settlement and shelter options open
to displaced people. It offers practitioners
a common planning tool which links
strategy, programmes, projects and technical
information. See:
6. Jha A K et al., Safer Homes, Stronger
Communities, a Handbook for Reconstructing
after Natural Disasters, Global Facility
for Disaster Reduction and Recovery, The
World Bank, 2010. This is intended to be
a comprehensive manual on reconstruction
meant in the first place for World Bank
staff and their counterparts. http://www.
7. Lyons, Michal and Theo Schilderman
(editors), Building Back Better, Delivering
people-centered housing reconstruction at
scale, Practical Action Publishing, Rugby,
2010. This book examines the context for
reconstruction, and shows how developments
in housing, participation and livelihoods
have changed and enriched approaches to
reconstruction. It also explores how people-
centred reconstruction can happen at scale
through in-depth case studies of recent large
reconstruction programmes and projects.
8. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian
Affairs (OCHA), Shelter after Disaster, Geneva,
1982. This is one of the first books to take